Q.  When can I come and shoot?

March R.C. is normally open from 7pm until 9pm on a Tuesday evening. The club is run by volunteers so there may unfortunately be occasions when we are not able to open and we apologise for this.

Q.  If I am invited to join March R.C. after my probationary period, can I automatically obtain a Firearms Certificate (FAC)?

Not  automatically no. But full membership of an approved club is considered an acceptable reason for wishing to apply for an FAC. The Police are responsible for issuing FACs and will make their own determination of who is granted an FAC, not the club.

Q.  Are air weapons allowed?

The range is only configured for the firing of 0.22LR rifles from the prone position. Air weapons would generally require other configurations which we do not provide.

Q.  Do you have club rifles?

We have rifles that members can use on our range with no extra charge. We also have club shooting jackets of various sizes, shooting jackets and gloves.

Q.  Can I buy ammunition? 

The club maintains a limited stock of ammunition for its members to buy, but it may not be taken away from the range unless you have a valid firearms certificate and the amount is entered on the FAC. For members without an FAC unused ammunition is kept securely for use on later visits.