Anyone wanting to become a member of the March Rifle Club is required to be a probationary member for a period not less than 3 months. The period will be determined by the Committee based upon attendance and any other factors the Committee consider important for the safe running of the range


SENIORS :    £100/year

JUNIORS :    £30/year

“JUNIOR” – A person who, at the time of the AGM, is under 18 OR under 21 and in full time education

You need to be aware of the fundamentals imposed by UK Law. It’s mandatory to comply with Section 21 of the Firearms act which basically states that if you have been convicted of a crime it could preclude you from handling firearms or ammunition. For this reason, you can only join a club initially as a provisional member whilst your details are checked out by the County Constabulary and can only attain full membership if you get the all clear from the Police and you have satisfied your club committee that you are suitable for membership. Whilst this all sounds very arduous, don’t forget, it’s in everyone’s interests to make sure that anyone who handles firearms are both legally entitled to and can demonstrate they can use the equipment in a safe and responsible manner.